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Open Road

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As the sun rises
Shows its head on the horizon
It’s another day
And I wonder what it holds

A sense of wonder
and calm anticipation
the trail begins again
exploring further down this road

Pack on my shoulders
Carrying only the essentials
I leave the rest behind
Possessions in the distant past

Meeting new people
Forming bonds along the way
I reflect on it all
and wonder it what it means

These friends bring more life to the journey
Fill me fond memories
An adventure shared
and I’m glad to be here with them

Spurred on by poets
And writers of the generations
Their words sustain me
and their ideas drive me on

Yet within me outside –
all around me
There’s a presence I feel
Full of love and divine grace.

He may be coming back in a while
It’s my adventure down in my own style
God’s in control and he wants to be with you

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