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love remains

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small start love remains unviable seed love remains hope falls love remains grief consumes love remains pain recoils love remains heart heals love remains future unfolds love remains faith reframes love remains read more about love remains.


Date posted:

fought and sought movement and motivation no more No. More… the privilege of choice autonomy responsibility inaction idling consequences time will tell hope held read more about relinquish.


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the meeting ate into our leave like some rogue caterpillar nibbling at the edges of the sun ripened green the email client pings like moths drawn to the light distracting our attention with fluttering worded wings teams notifications buzzin' like a self important blowfly Microsoft's version of connection a far... read more about rogue.

obsessions, progressions

Date posted:

obsessions, progressions regressions, confessions low stakes, high hopes grief, belief relief, mischief low stakes, high hopes fear, revere adhere, persevere low stakes, high hopes interlude, gratitude platitude, fortitude low stakes, high hopes low stakes, high hopes low stakes, high hopes low stakes, high hopes read more about obsessions, progressions.


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to hold your shattered heart and cradle it with care surround it with warm comfort tending to each painful tear to embrace your tender person and negate your loss draw out the hurt and bitterness replenish what grief has cost to tell of your true value and undeceive you from... read more about to:.


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after years of carrying I'll attempt to let it go to vehemently trust release and find the flow this little hobby horse that I have kept in tow it's time to let it drop and let my freedom show internal knots will surely bind me up again I'll wait paitently... read more about attempt.


Date posted:

everyone needs a hero or two someone to brighten their days emitting beams of happiness in amongst the grey to spike some excitement to elevate life above mundane to generate fond memories to be recalled in days of rain typically, they are out of reach by circumstance or attitude we... read more about transportations.

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depth perception / wrench detention

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In the darkest night is blindness. You cannot see. It envelopes you like an illness. Neverendingly its depth is imperceptible vastness overwhelming evading sensory override infinite tenebrosity but with each passing minute that drag like encumbered feet pin pricks then glorious beams appear light unfolds the numbered sheets In the... read more about depth perception / wrench detention.

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for you, the best

Date posted:

Freedom, rest, gratitude amidst anxious times Faith to trust the promises that ultimately define Hope in eternal glory and in the life that comes before Love to elevate and embrace when you are feeling floored Experiences of profound grace within the depths of darkness Lightness of limb, healing of heart... read more about for you, the best.

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Date posted:

infinite redemption ageless napisan removing sinful blemish ancient stain and grime whites whiter, colours brighter an illuminating glow emanates with veracity from all those in His fold read more about washed.

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Date posted:

Heavenly Father, Fount of knowledge and source of all wisdom. You brought the world into being. As the seeds grow with rain and sunshine, grow us in wisdom and understanding. By your spirit give us discerning hearts that seek truth and tend to mercy. In all situations prompt us to... read more about grow.

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Date posted:

they say 'love don't come easy' there’s many carriages on the train under tunnels, over mountains blistering heat, satur’d rain they say 'love don't come easy' let it buckle, force the brace incidental fragility agile engines, insipid pace they say 'love don't come easy' moments fraught along the line dispersed... read more about steel.

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Date posted:

cookie cutter verbal splutter attempts to punch above the wait life intrudes and work colludes left with an empty plate making dough is no jam adding dollars to my time infringing on poetic (flow) power automate stole my rhyme in high sun the biscuits bake given time to rest and... read more about dough.

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Date posted:

where fences once quilted farms black blankets shroud the earth woven in seared buttons charred stumps in place of trees lace vineyards become blackened threads still holding shape but nothing to yield crochet homes lost to the flames devastating loss of life, unspoken grief remaining the community interwoven cannot be... read more about ash.

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