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faith in focus

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In a world of hatred, pain and despair
there is a hope that I cling to.
The Son of Man who walked this earth
living and dying for me and you.

In His time he made some outlandish claims
'I am the way, the truth, the life'.
Put down your nets, come follow me
I will be with you always, no matter the strife.

I believe there is no other name
by which men can be saved.
We are fallen, broken, in need of mend
and can be reconciled by what He gave.

Faith and grace are the foundations
on which I want to be building.
Antiquated religiosity based on works?
Nay. It's a relationship I'm yielding.

I continue to fumble with my feelings
and stumble with my words.
Yet I believe on this life journey
my prayer are always heard.

When I'm intent on introspection
thoughts on an analytical reprise
I want to see not my sinful self,
but Christ who is inside.

As when I look to him
and his sacrifice at Calvary
There is a purpose, a future, a hope, a life
beyond any worldly rivalry.


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