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Some place their hope in the material
in that which is seen but does not last.
Fading, corrupting, breaking down
able to be held but not steadfast.

Others pursue the perfect body
smooth skin, lean mass, low fat
their body is their temple
and their goal a stomach flat.

Some seek approval from others
living for their affirming words
always aiming to please and be liked
ears craving for praises to be heard.

Others follow sporting codes
riding on the backs of their chosen team
always anticipating victory
and the next hit of dopamine.

Some chase after fame
celebrity and all it's trimmings
seeking their name up in lights
or some television winnings.

Others climb the corporate ladder
bursting with career ambition
their work is their passion
seeking power and position.

I fumble, I falter, I fail,
I'm both some and the others at times
I know not what is in a person's heart
please don't read judgement in my rhymes.

I believe there is a source
of life abundant, of life whole
Jesus Christ is sufficiency
It is Him to focus on, extol.

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