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Listing posts for 07 Apr 2013


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Searching for some sweet relief Amongst the bitterness Hoping that in time The pain will pass Far beyond the wind swept streets Past the concrete maze Nestled in amongst the trees As the sun falls and fades Weary, worn and weathered Laden with a heavy load Praying that some old... read more about Traversal.

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Open Road

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As the sun rises Shows its head on the horizon It’s another day And I wonder what it holds A sense of wonder and calm anticipation the trail begins again exploring further down this road Pack on my shoulders Carrying only the essentials I leave the rest behind Possessions in... read more about Open Road.

View similar posts categorised as: Poetry

A prayer for change

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Breakdown the walls of apathy that I have constructed around my heart. Lift the doubts and worries that have clouded my mind too long. Expose with your light the darkness and sin that needs to be revealed. Raise my heart and voice that I may courageously proclaim your Son. read more about A prayer for change.