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17 November 2014

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Am I trying to hide from you?
Running from a face I thought I knew.
In the darkness and in the depths
What is this wall that grew?

Within the tears and heaviness
amongst the guilt and shame
between the angst and sorrow
from the year without a name.

What drives me to distraction
and keeps me from your own?
What makes this whole thing
so painful, to be left alone?

When the darkness falls again
and my strength takes fall
All the cliches, all the songs
don't mean that much at all

They just tell it how it is
and now I know it all the more
Why is it that in this brokeness
I am left abored.

I am sure that others feel
the strain of the weight I sometimes feel.
the distancing, the silence
the words that are concealed.

Forgive me\y unbelief
and my damm introspection.
Eyes that roll into my head
not towards the resurrection.

It's a been rough one to say the least,
who knows how for the other.
I get in the way sometimes
or the past forgoes the after.

If I could cry it all out, I would
or have some kind of operation
ah for perfect realignment
or some fandangled file migration

Just write it all to compact discs
then eject from the system
send it off to somewhere else
and insert a new disc to be written

Apparently it takes time and paitence
to be sure and a positive outlook
no matter the score.

And yes one day this loss,
will be someone else's gain
and for the other person
it may be just the same.

so if this my confession,
then here it is, take it all
or my lament of sorts,
whatever let's just dismantle this wall.

and in those moments
when the past forgets the after
and in those moments
when the pain takes hold of pasture

there you wait patiently
knowing of my tomorrow
there you wait patiently
knowing of my pain and sorrow  

waiting to renew and guide
and lead me to a safer place
a place of love and favour
and of your amazing grace