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Listing posts for August 2014

consternation 2006

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it approaches like a scant hound searching through the debris yapping, gnawing, menacing then the alpaca come or llama llama llama so it runs like any unnerved miscreant should bounding across parched plains floundering, fleeing, fleeting left wondering what the heck and why is there cheesecake? read more about consternation 2006.

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let the strands be bound by timber plunge the depths to fill the bucket firmly grasp the handle with uncalloused hands move the head across flooring with intention ring, rinse and repeat read more about mop.


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lost: tact one found in tenacious spaces requires measuring cups if found please return to head office read more about AWOL.

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Date posted:

like a tottering tourist she could have read the signs like a tottering tourist naively navigating she could have phoned a friend like a tottering tourist naively navigating busy burring bitumen she could have waited at the lights like a tottering tourist naively navigating busy burring bitumen digesting delicious dinner... read more about jaywalker.

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Date posted:

ticking clock beating heart sun's rise and set tapping tides falling raindrops universal metronomes read more about rhythms.

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