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holy week

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With knives they came and cut the branches and lay them in the dust. Paving the road with palms singing 'Hosanna in the Highest'.

With tables they came and set up shop within the temple walls. Dismayed by the raucous action Jesus overturned them all.

With perfume she came and broke the jar anointing his head with fragrance a precursor to a burial under his friends' surveillance.

With bread he came and broke it for them then they communed with wine 'Do this in remembrance of me' partake of the meal divine.

With swords they came and arrested Him betrayed with Judas' kiss forsaken by friends who scattered lead away into darkness.

With lies they came and accused him but he stood and remained silent so to Pilate he was taken and condemned to a death violent.

With thorns they came and crowned Him Briars embedded into His skull Robed, whipped and mocked his humanity reduced to null.

With nails they came and crucified Him Affixing him to a tree left to die a painful death hung between two thieves.

With darkness came the final breath and He gave up His spirit '...Why have you forsaken me?' he cried, all nearby could hear it.

With curiosity they came the two Marys to survey the tomb the angel said that 'He had risen' life rising from the doom.

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