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Listing posts categorised: prayer


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Heavenly Father, Fount of knowledge and source of all wisdom. You brought the world into being. As the seeds grow with rain and sunshine, grow us in wisdom and understanding. By your spirit give us discerning hearts that seek truth and tend to mercy. In all situations prompt us to... read more about grow.

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Abba, [You] cover me [You] speak truth [You] shower me with love [You] sharpen my mind [You] loosen my throat that I might breathe in Your peace. Amen. read more about armor.


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Father, Build or break the barricades ratifications to obtain. Reveal my true identity and ignite the spark again. Your spirit at work and Christ within shine through the darkness and the pain. read more about coats.


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Help me find my rest in you and be enveloped in your love. Impart within my brokenness a joyous, grateful song. Affix my eyes to Your Son and my mind to Your unfailing love. Help me rejoice as each day dawns and reside in your faithfulness. With each hour bring... read more about humbled.


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Lord help me to articulate the hope I have in You. To tell of your abounding grace and love that makes me new. That You sent Your own Son Jesus from heaven to live on this earth. To live, die and rise again beginning with a virgin birth. That I... read more about articulate.

in all

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In the silence In the birdsong May your voice be heard In the stillness In the morning May I rest in your Word In the storm In the chaos May I find refuge in You In the good times In the hard times May your joy be ever true read more about in all.


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Lord, [help me] change the time I spend pursuing meaningless acts and tasks. Transform my motivation and the acts that proceed to be that of which you ask. Lord, [help me] change the way I think patterns that distress and distort Transform my fears by your love and combat negative... read more about transform.

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As each day dawns and falls grow me in Your grace. As I struggle, live, grow and move may You be my dwelling place. Shine Your light through my life a beacon for the world to see. Fill me with Your wondrous love, and Your Holy Spirit work in me. read more about Beacon.

No Embellishment

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My Daughter Don't listen to the lies of the world and the deceiver. Focus instead on Me and My Word and your place as a believer. My love for you needs no embellishment it goes far beyond your needs rest and abide only in Me and My statutes, there to... read more about No Embellishment.

a sense of place

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Heavenly Father, Grow in me a sense of place. A sense of place for who I am as a woman in your kingdom. A sense of place in your creation to explore, enjoy and embrace. A sense of place i\n your economy that I may be a careful steward. A... read more about a sense of place.

A prayer for change

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Breakdown the walls of apathy that I have constructed around my heart. Lift the doubts and worries that have clouded my mind too long. Expose with your light the darkness and sin that needs to be revealed. Raise my heart and voice that I may courageously proclaim your Son. read more about A prayer for change.