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Listing posts for 2014


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Buried beneath a single seed sits silent perplexed, pressed sprouts water and light t ime and space breaking through fearful encasing amidst adversity and anxiety growth read more about sprouts.

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blatant refusal voices silenced stillness conversation reiteration recapitulation a perpetual moment? unfortunately unattainable read more about moment.

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Reflecting pigments of light orbit as planets around the sun. Smooth rocks conveyed along streaming belts like tractors sowing a lentil crop. The pins stand to order but then divide and fall. Jubilation, disappointment, pride and fear the spills of the bowling alley. read more about alley.


Date posted:

How do I extricate sinew from bone flesh from spirit? Decipher a clear still voice amidst the calamity and chaos All I can do is wait and pray Lean on God Find my joy in Him And be open to His calling and direction For in amongst the turmoil perhaps... read more about divisions/decisions.

View similar posts categorised as: Poetry