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Listing posts for 2013


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I broke the camera on the first day so photos of my trip may be hard to find so all I have to recall of my trek are memories, objects and images in my mind. The rope on the beach at sunset as day one drew to a close. Fear,... read more about Hinchinbrook.

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Date posted:

My mind regales on the sentimental at times wandering to you. Traversing times and places I remember and the stuff we used to do. Like that time we were bug collecting confining colonies to a jar, next thing a rogue dog jumps the table Smash - freedom breaks, all over... read more about Regalia.

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Date posted:

Some place their hope in the material in that which is seen but does not last. Fading, corrupting, breaking down able to be held but not steadfast. Others pursue the perfect body smooth skin, lean mass, low fat their body is their temple and their goal a stomach flat. Some... read more about pursuit.

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faith in focus

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In a world of hatred, pain and despair there is a hope that I cling to. The Son of Man who walked this earth living and dying for me and you. In His time he made some outlandish claims 'I am the way, the truth, the life'. Put down your... read more about faith in focus.

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a quick bite

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To me, MasterChef is meaningless Frankly I don't care whose kitchen rules. Food is for the nourishing. Cooking for the hungry - to feed. read more about a quick bite.

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best left

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When you've been hitting up the gym exerting lung and limb reflect, regroup, remember some days its best just to rest. When your nerves are full of flutter and you're reaching for the butter reflect, regroup, remember some foods are best left untouched. When you think it may be fun... read more about best left.

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Tuesday Afternoon

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Blue skies Streaming sun Welcoming weather Early Days Little Chills Lyrical love Rolled Oats Greek Yoghurt Satisfied stomach Distractions discarded Task focused Prescribed productivity read more about Tuesday Afternoon.

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Date posted:

Lord, [help me] change the time I spend pursuing meaningless acts and tasks. Transform my motivation and the acts that proceed to be that of which you ask. Lord, [help me] change the way I think patterns that distress and distort Transform my fears by your love and combat negative... read more about transform.

View similar posts categorised as: Prayer


Date posted:

The flickering screens sit on my desk lay close at hand to interact lingers in my mind. Like a drug I seek the dopamine hit it lures me in keeps me coming back for more. Like an insect I am enticed by its blue light disrupting, distracting probably killing a... read more about 4:35am.

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2 Corinthians 5:17-21

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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting... read more about 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.


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As each day dawns and falls grow me in Your grace. As I struggle, live, grow and move may You be my dwelling place. Shine Your light through my life a beacon for the world to see. Fill me with Your wondrous love, and Your Holy Spirit work in me. read more about Beacon.

Psalm 24:4-5

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Show me you ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day. read more about Psalm 24:4-5.