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Listing posts for 2013


Date posted:

Round and round (I spin) on this obtuse carousel. Until like an emblazoned pine I fall, feelings to befell. On and on (It lingers) the mess of my surrounds. Until I clean or hence retreat to something more profound. Through and through (It pulses) my fickle beating heart. Until arteries... read more about Until.

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Date posted:

The class started just like any other mats laid flat shoes removed. Pilates proceeds deep breathing engaged trans-abdominals same annoying songs as previous 8 classes. Commence jovial giggles. Mischievous pelvises jellyfish legs my wonderful former housemate and me, resident class tight ass. Self-proclaimed overlocker in a room of hand sewing... read more about Overlocker.

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An ode to pancakes

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The eggs and milk at the table were devising a cunning plan "we're going to make ourselves batter and then find ourselves a pan". So they got themselves acquainted with flour from some further field, and befriended some slick oil to be included in the yield. With all ingredients assembled... read more about An ode to pancakes.

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No Embellishment

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My Daughter Don't listen to the lies of the world and the deceiver. Focus instead on Me and My Word and your place as a believer. My love for you needs no embellishment it goes far beyond your needs rest and abide only in Me and My statutes, there to... read more about No Embellishment.


Date posted:

I have a yearning to connect on a deeper plain beyond all things menial superfluous and mundane. Stripped of the superficial, laden with that which is sincere without presumption and periphery It's authenticity I revere. So shower me with candor with eloquence and witticisms and come partake and practice some... read more about Conversationalism.

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Date posted:

Sometimes expectations exceed reality and I attempt bridge the gaps. Misconstruing feelings, situations in an excited rational lapse. Then the pyrex hits the pavement and I am tasked with sweeping to bring together what has been broken and salvage any parts worth keeping. 'Don't be upset' was the word that... read more about disappointment.

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Date posted:

I heard the call I love you You are mine Be still. You are beautiful A woman Created to love Equipped to serve With a peculiar space to fill. read more about source.

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a sense of place

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Heavenly Father, Grow in me a sense of place. A sense of place for who I am as a woman in your kingdom. A sense of place in your creation to explore, enjoy and embrace. A sense of place i\n your economy that I may be a careful steward. A... read more about a sense of place.


Date posted:

Sometimes my mind drifts to a trough of what could have been the water is tepid and stagnant yet inviting and serene. The bottom is carpeted with algae with sections awaiting to bloom these are my mind's machinations of future scenarios construed. Sunken a symphony of stones lay strewn across... read more about Trough.

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James 5:7-8

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Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. read more about James 5:7-8.


Date posted:

I'm scrambling over the tiles searching desperately for words coveting covering coloured boxes to pile on the points that I'd prefer. Yet these letters are likely looking for a expansive tome rather than some inhibitive box to make their vernacularly home. read more about Scrabble.

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public static void

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Disengagement can be brutal disarming mind-numbing depressing. Thinking can become inverted negative dulled defeatist. Aspirations crumble and motivations desist. Until there is enough input processing and output are deferred. read more about public static void.

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Titus 2:11-14

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For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,... read more about Titus 2:11-14.