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Listing posts for 2013

At Christmas

Date posted:

As the sun rises on this Christmas Day and beckons us from slumber. May we gather round the manger and find God amongst the lumber. Set aside uncertainty and fear, leave anxiety at the stable door. Instead enter in and behold the babe, worship lowly and adore. The Prince of... read more about At Christmas.

quality time

Date posted:

glorious in conversation endless hours spent on couches reclined reframing, refining, reflecting dissecting, discerning, divulging in most part the conversation will dissipate yet that which is absorbed in the outpouring i s the essence of sharing life together of living and learning of true friendship glorious read more about quality time.

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Date posted:

Distant friend, come near let's align our hearts again and synchronise, it's been too long. To see your beautiful face and share a laugh, as I know we will. Anticipation that memories ignite. read more about reunion.

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summer status

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dishes sink in [as] ball ink on skin intrepid tiles lay score and something today summer, cold rolls appear spring rolls by too fast QWERTY solitaire endeavours alas Jack trumps them all read more about summer status.

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Date posted:

an ethiopian feast with a community of friends quadruple celebration a bike ride to the beach to bask in the sun and breeze ice cream cone pinnacle a full house of friends for board games a three colour bean drink with a new management line sugar cane prawns salad for... read more about 27.

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Date posted:

at times it alludes me aided by distraction, human instinct, reckless abandon, environment, vulnerability, hunger, influence, sleep deprivation, striving, brokeness, stress, situation, uncertainty even though seemingly it's all about me my will my way my boundaries it's not self only goes so far before it needs to be surrendered to... read more about self-control.

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Date posted:

soak it in let it seep through resonate appreciate sunshine freedom laughter well-placed words skin muscles bones heart from here on in there is no doubt there will be change there will be complications there will be pain there will be grief there will be loss but always hope always... read more about diem.

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minimalist laundry

Date posted:

to have to hold can be nice in theory too far too bold many a time can be far too easy to aspire to attain can produce results that are pleasing but to be content with less with the older with the simple creates space frees time that can be... read more about minimalist laundry.

field day

Date posted:

my brain is having a field day tractors food stalls seeders harvesters mulchers yarn spinning it's all there sheep dog demonstrations wool grading wood turning whip cracking but hopefully it will all be done and dusted soon enough I'm just hoping that there are not a few kangaroos loose in... read more about field day.

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Date posted:

If I can distill distress and confine it in a rhyme. Bring the words to the pages and let it pass in time. Then perhaps I will have progress even if it appears that there is none like removing the ammunition out of a loaded gun. read more about disarm.

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Date posted:

tell me sir is this where my allegiance lies? in words in poetry in music in collaboration? attention divided like a transport enthusiast concurrently viewing a train, tram and aeroplane each in motion each with velocity a destination a direction can these words somehow connect? can they roam free on... read more about words.

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Date posted:

So banish the darkness expel it with light. May there be dancing at dawn after mourning in the night. Amidst turmoil and destruction uncertainty and strife. There is hope, there is grace In [your] death - there is life. read more about morning.

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