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best left

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When you've been hitting up the gym exerting lung and limb reflect, regroup, remember some days its best just to rest. When your nerves are full of flutter and you're reaching for the butter reflect, regroup, remember some foods are best left untouched. When you think it may be fun... read more about best left.

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Tuesday Afternoon

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Blue skies Streaming sun Welcoming weather Early Days Little Chills Lyrical love Rolled Oats Greek Yoghurt Satisfied stomach Distractions discarded Task focused Prescribed productivity read more about Tuesday Afternoon.

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Lord, [help me] change the time I spend pursuing meaningless acts and tasks. Transform my motivation and the acts that proceed to be that of which you ask. Lord, [help me] change the way I think patterns that distress and distort Transform my fears by your love and combat negative... read more about transform.

View similar posts categorised as: Prayer


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The flickering screens sit on my desk lay close at hand to interact lingers in my mind. Like a drug I seek the dopamine hit it lures me in keeps me coming back for more. Like an insect I am enticed by its blue light disrupting, distracting probably killing a... read more about 4:35am.

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2 Corinthians 5:17-21

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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting... read more about 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.


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As each day dawns and falls grow me in Your grace. As I struggle, live, grow and move may You be my dwelling place. Shine Your light through my life a beacon for the world to see. Fill me with Your wondrous love, and Your Holy Spirit work in me. read more about Beacon.

Psalm 24:4-5

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Show me you ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day. read more about Psalm 24:4-5.


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Round and round (I spin) on this obtuse carousel. Until like an emblazoned pine I fall, feelings to befell. On and on (It lingers) the mess of my surrounds. Until I clean or hence retreat to something more profound. Through and through (It pulses) my fickle beating heart. Until arteries... read more about Until.

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The class started just like any other mats laid flat shoes removed. Pilates proceeds deep breathing engaged trans-abdominals same annoying songs as previous 8 classes. Commence jovial giggles. Mischievous pelvises jellyfish legs my wonderful former housemate and me, resident class tight ass. Self-proclaimed overlocker in a room of hand sewing... read more about Overlocker.

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No Embellishment

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My Daughter Don't listen to the lies of the world and the deceiver. Focus instead on Me and My Word and your place as a believer. My love for you needs no embellishment it goes far beyond your needs rest and abide only in Me and My statutes, there to... read more about No Embellishment.

An ode to pancakes

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The eggs and milk at the table were devising a cunning plan "we're going to make ourselves batter and then find ourselves a pan". So they got themselves acquainted with flour from some further field, and befriended some slick oil to be included in the yield. With all ingredients assembled... read more about An ode to pancakes.

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Date posted:

I have a yearning to connect on a deeper plain beyond all things menial superfluous and mundane. Stripped of the superficial, laden with that which is sincere without presumption and periphery It's authenticity I revere. So shower me with candor with eloquence and witticisms and come partake and practice some... read more about Conversationalism.

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Date posted:

Sometimes expectations exceed reality and I attempt bridge the gaps. Misconstruing feelings, situations in an excited rational lapse. Then the pyrex hits the pavement and I am tasked with sweeping to bring together what has been broken and salvage any parts worth keeping. 'Don't be upset' was the word that... read more about disappointment.

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